Women's Retreats

In the Garden Retreat
In the Garden is an interactive women’s retreat in three parts: beauty, the soil, and God as our gardener. It includes worship, time for reflection, Bible study, activities, hands-on projects, community building, and much more. This retreat is a set-aside time for women to build relationships, share their stories, and connect with their faith.

Receiving Nature's Gifts Retreat
Time in nature has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, stimulate the senses, and strengthen mental clarity. Join us as we explore nature's wonders and the feelings they bring forth in us. Experience special connections with nature and learn new ways of using nature in meditation, for reflection, and as inspiration. All participants receive a keepsake journal.

Resilient Woman Retreat
How do the lives we live, and the work we do contribute to our vision for the world we want to live in? Join us as we take a closer look at resilient women from the Bible, explore their stories and learn about the power of courage, and the importance of community. Examine their legacies of wisdom that we can pass onto future generations and discover how we can make an impact in our families and communities. This exciting, interactive retreat is filled with time for discussion, creativity, and exploration!

Sensory Mindfulness Retreat
For those who struggle with sitting still and finding peace, this retreat is for you. Experience ways to be actively mindful incorporating all the senses. In this retreat we:
• Take an easy contemplative walk
• Experience eating fresh fruit or chocolate in new and different ways
• Watch the flow of colors as we experiment with watercolors
• Compare textures and colors of assorted gifts from nature
• Listen to musical pieces while coloring mandalas
• Journal our thoughts and experiences.