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Intentional Energy 3's Latest Podcast:
Welcome to "Three Feet of Influence," a podcast where we explore how every individual can make a meaningful impact within their circles.
At the heart of our conversations lie the concept of "your three feet of influence,” the idea that each of us has the power to create change within our immediate reach--at home, in the workplace, or within our communities.
This podcast is a space for thought-provoking conversations, exploring stories and experiences, to inspire you to navigate your three feet of influence with courage and empathy.


Rev. Kirsten Peachey
"I have worked with Maryanne and Henrietta for years on bringing Support Team workshops to faith communities. They are experts in the model--both as trainers, but also as people who have actively led and participated in Support Teams themselves. They are deeply faithful, visionary, and passionate about how churches can be places of spiritual support and transformation. They are great teachers whose workshops are fun, interactive, and engaging! "

Jeanne K.
" I have attended numerous events offered by this group of wonderful women. All the events or workshops were well organized, insightful, and thought-provoking with attention to detail that offered a variety of learning tools perfectly geared to the demographics of their audience. "
Tasha Pitchford
"I attended an ie3 Mind Mapping workshop, I left the workshop with clarity and feeling empowered to make positive changes in my business and in my life. Their teaching style and the way they flow with each other is absolutely amazing and fun."