Today’s verse: Joshua 1:9 (Msg)
“Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.”
A magazine that I get has a meditation on the last page. It always consists of an amazing full page picture and a quote. In the latest issue the quote is from Vincent Van Gogh; “Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” This quote really struck a cord with me, and ties into one of the reasons behind our Lenten Insights. The idea that, by doing small things for ourselves and within ourselves, they will become something great.
Taking time each day to look inside ourselves, and to give some time and focus to self-care is something that we can do to help us be the person that we were created to be. We need to accept that we are not now perfect and I personally believe that we never can be perfect. The goal is not perfection but to always be reaching up, moving forward, and most importantly living out our faith.
I just finished a great book, Pastrix, by Nadia Bolz-Weber. In it there is, what I feel, is a great self-reflection. She shares; “Over the years, most of my attempts at self-improvement have fallen sadly short.” I am with you on this one sister! Still, I believe that every time we make an attempt we improve in some way.
“Don’t get discouraged. God, YOUR God, is with you every step that you take.”
Keep Walking,